Adult Name Change Wicomico County

Wicomico County Adult Name Change Order Includes:

Review and Research of Adult Name Change.

Real Complete Paperwork (No Kit) Only $89.

Adult Name Change Filing Experts Are Available To File Your Adult Name Change Request in Wicomico County. Hire Experts Who Know Wicomico County Adult Name Change Filing Process, We Can Help You Fill Out Adult Name Change Petitions And File Your Name Change Case in Correct Court.

There are several reasons why adults may choose to change their name, some of which include:

  • Marriage: After getting married, some people choose to take their spouse's last name or add their spouse's last name to their own.
  • Divorce: After a divorce, some people may choose to change their name as a symbolic way to move on from the marriage and disassociate themselves from their former spouse.
  • Personal preference: Some adults may simply not like their given name and wish to change it to something that better represents who they are.
  • Gender transition: Individuals who identify as transgender may choose to change their name as part of their transition to better align with their gender identity.
  • Family reasons: An adult may choose to change their name to carry on a family name or to honor a loved one.
Ultimately, the decision to change one's name is a personal one and can be influenced by a variety of factors. If anyone wants to change his/her name, there is a way out to change your name officially. 

Adult Name Change Wicomico - MD

Requirements For Adult Name Change In Wicomico County

If you are an adult and wish to change your name in Wicomico County, you will need to follow a specific set of requirements. Here are the basic steps:

  • File a Petition for Name Change with the Circuit Court. This petition will ask the court to formally change your name.
  • Along with the petition, you will need to provide proof of your identity, as well as any other required documentation, such as a criminal background check depending on the county in which you reside.
  • Pay the filing fee. The Name Change Cost varies by county, but it typically ranges from $165 to $185.
  • Attend a hearing to explain your reasons for the name change to the judge. If the judge approves your request, you will receive a court order granting the name change.
  • After you receive the court order, you will need to notify various government agencies and other organizations of your new name. This may include updating your driver's license, Social Security card, and other identification documents.
It is important to note that the process of changing your name as an adult in Wicomico County can take several months to complete.

Adult Name Change Cost in Wicomico County

Adult Name Change Cost in Wicomico County

The cost of changing your name as an adult in Wicomico County can vary depending on several factors, such as the county in which you reside and any additional fees that may be required.

That said, the Wicomico County Courts website suggests that the cost of Petition Filing For Adult Name Change could range from $165 to $185, depending on the county. Additionally, there may be additional fees for certified copies of the court order granting the name change, which could range from a few dollars to as much as $10 per copy.

It is worth noting that these costs are subject to change, and it is always a good idea to check with your local Circuit Court for the most up-to-date information on fees and any other requirements for changing your name as an adult in Wicomico County.

Documents Required For The Adult Name Change in Wicomico County

To change your name as an adult in Wicomico County, you will typically need to provide the following documents:

  • Petition for Change of Name: This is the document that you will file with the Circuit Court. The form will require you to provide your current name, the name you wish to change to, and a statement indicating why you want to change your name.
  • Criminal Background Check: In Wicomico County, you will need to obtain a criminal background check before you can change your name. You can obtain this check at your local police department or through the Wicomico County Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
  • Fingerprint Records: You will also need to have your fingerprints taken and provide the records with your Petition for Change of Name. You can have this done at your local police department or at a private fingerprinting service.
  • Court Order: If the court approves your name change request, you will receive a court order granting the name change. You will need to provide this court order to various government agencies and organizations to update your name on all documents.
  • Identification: You must provide various forms of identification, such as a driving license or passport, to verify your identity.

Facts about Filing for A Name Change in Wicomico County

Here are some important facts about filing for a name change in Wicomico County:

  • Wicomico County law allows individuals to change their name for a variety of reasons, including after a divorce, to correct an error on a birth certificate, or for personal reasons.
  • To change your name in Wicomico County, you must file a Petition for Name Change with the Circuit Court. The court will review your petition and may require a hearing to approve the name change.
  • The Cost of a Name Change varies by county, but it typically ranges from $165 to $185. You may also be required to pay additional fees for certified copies of the court order granting the name change.
  • In addition to filing a petition for the name change, you will need to provide proof of your identity, such as a driver's license or passport.
  • Depending on the county in which you reside, you may be required to provide other documentation, such as a criminal background check or proof of residency.
  • If the court approves your petition, you will receive a court order granting the name change. You will then need to notify various government agencies and organizations of your new name, such as the Social Security Administration, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and your bank.

Filing for A Name Change in Wicomico County

How Easy Is It To Change Your Adult Name in Wicomico County?

The process of changing your adult name in Wicomico County generally involves several steps and can take some time and effort. 

To change your adult name in Wicomico County, you will need to file a Petition for Change of Name with the Circuit Court. The petition will require you to provide your current name, the name you wish to change to, and a statement indicating why you want to change your name. You will also need to provide a criminal background check, your fingerprints, and various forms of identification to verify your identity.

Once you have filed your Divorce Name Change petition, you will need to attend a court hearing to determine if your name change request will be approved. If the court approves your name change request, you will receive a court order granting the name change. You will then need to provide this court order to various government agencies and organizations to update your name on all documents.

While the process of changing your adult name in Wicomico County may take some time and effort, it is designed to be accessible to individuals who wish to change their name. If you follow the necessary steps and provide all the required documentation, you can successfully change your adult name in Wicomico County.

Adult Name Change Case Filling in Wicomico County

Adult Name Change Case Filling in Wicomico County

To file a petition for an adult name change in Wicomico County, follow these steps:

  • Obtain the required documents: You will need to obtain a Petition for Change of Name form, a criminal background check, and fingerprint records. You may also need to provide various forms of identification, such as a driver's license or passport.
  • Fill out the Petition for Change of Name form: Fill out the form with your current name, the name you wish to change to, and a statement indicating why you want to change your name.
  • Obtain a criminal background check and fingerprint records: You will need to obtain a criminal background check and provide your fingerprints along with your Petition for a Change of Name. You can obtain these records at your local police department or through the Wicomico County Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
  • File the petition with the Circuit Court: File the completed Petition for Change of Name Form, criminal background check, and fingerprint records with the Circuit Court. You will need to pay a filing fee when you submit your petition.
  • Attend the court hearing: After filing your petition, you will need to attend a court hearing to determine if your name change request will be approved.
  • Obtain a court order

How Long Does An Adult Name Change Take In Wicomico County?

The timeline for an adult name change in Wicomico County can vary depending on several factors, such as the county in which you reside and any additional requirements that may need to be completed.

However, in general, the Adult Name Change Process in Wicomico County can take several months to complete. After filing a petition for the name change, the court will need to review your application and schedule a hearing to consider your request. Depending on the county, this hearing may take several weeks or even months to schedule.

Once the court approves your petition and issues a court order granting the name change, you will need to notify various government agencies and other organizations of your new name. This process can also take several weeks or months to complete, as you will need to update your identification documents, such as your driver's license and Social Security card.

Overall, the entire process of changing your name as an adult in Wicomico County can take several months to complete, so it is important to plan accordingly.

Adult Name Change Wicomico County

Can My Petition Be Denied in Wicomico County?

Yes, it is possible for your petition for the name change to be denied in Wicomico County. There are several reasons why this might happen, including:

  • Failure to meet the requirements: If you do not meet the requirements for a name change in Wicomico County, your petition may be denied. For example, if you have a criminal record or a history of fraud, the court may deny your petition.
  • Insufficient evidence: If you do not provide sufficient evidence to support your petition, the court may deny your request. For example, if you seek a name change for personal reasons and fail to provide a compelling reason, the court may deny your petition.
  • Public interest: The court may deny your petition for a name change if it determines that the name change is not in the public interest. For example, if you are seeking a name change to avoid paying debts or defrauding creditors, the court may deny your request.
It is important to note that the court has discretion in granting or denying a petition for a name change, and the decision will ultimately be based on the specific facts of your case. If your petition is denied, you may be able to appeal the decision or file a new petition at a later time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Adult Name Change

What is the average cost for an adult to change their name in Wicomico County, and are there any other charges?
The cost for an adult to change their name varies by state and country, and there may be additional charges depending on the specific circumstances of the name change. Generally, the cost for a name change ranges from $100 to $400, which includes filing fees and court costs. However, there may be additional fees if you need to request a certified copy of your name change order or if you need to update your identification documents, such as a driver's license or passport.
Can an adult change their first, middle, and last name all at once in Wicomico County?
Yes, it is possible for an adult to change their first, middle, and last name all at once. However, the requirements and procedures for doing so may vary depending on the jurisdiction where the person resides. Typically, the person must file a petition with the court, provide proper identification and documentation, and attend a court hearing. It is important to research the specific requirements and procedures for the jurisdiction where the name change will be sought.
What documents are required in Wicomico County for an adult to change their name?
The specific documents required for an adult to change their name may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the reason for the name change. In general, the most common documents required include a petition or application for a name change, a certified copy of the adult's birth certificate, proof of identity (such as a driver's license or passport), and any other supporting documents that may be required by the local court or government agency.
Are there any limitations on how an adult can change their name in Wicomico County?
Yes, there are some limitations on how an adult can change their name. Generally, the name change cannot be for fraudulent or criminal purposes, and it cannot infringe on the rights of others. In addition, some jurisdictions may have specific rules about what names are allowed or prohibited.
What is the typical timeline for an adult in Wicomico County to complete the name change process?
The timeline for an adult to complete the name change process can vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances. In general, it can take several weeks to a few months to complete the process. The time can be affected by factors such as the availability of court dates, the completeness of the required documentation, and any potential challenges to the name change.